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Published January, 2021.

We live in a childish world with very few true role models to help us grow up. We yell at each other; we argue; we struggle against each other, and for what? We want to be noticed. We want to be important. We want life to go our way, and we want to receive what we think we deserve. We want other people to live up to our expectations, yet we have great difficulty living up to our own expectations. Growing up is hard. It means rigorous self-reflection, and when we do self-reflect, we find things we don’t like—things that hurt. And so we resist.

The key to growing up is not in resistance but in acceptance. As we learn to accept what we find and to grow through it, as opposed to avoiding it, we find ourselves. We find that we are more powerful than we ever thought possible. We find that we are loved and valuable and confident—that we are not who we thought we were.

Growing into spiritual adulthood is a journey, a bumpy one at that, but well worth the effort, well worth the ups and downs. This book is about the journey, about becoming a spiritual adult. It is about understanding the Laws of the Universe. This is not an easy book with steps one, two, and three and suddenly you have everything you ever wanted. This is about growing up and waking up. As you grow and awaken, what you truly want comes to you.