​Emotional  Intelligence with 

William Frank Diedrich and Julie Dillon

Julie and Bill offer a unique approach to the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Most people have read about or attended workshops on emotional intelligence. This workshop is about practicing it. That is, we take you through techniques and physical movements that will help you to BE emotionally intelligent in the moment.

What does BEING emotionally intelligent mean? It means having the ability to experience and accept emotion without being controlled by it. It means channeling your emotion toward positive outcomes. It means not losing control nor being paralyzed by stress and fear.

For more information click here:     Emotional Intelligence​​

Workshops by William Frank Diedrich

1. Emotional Intelligence

2. Adults at Work

3. Death By Meeting  (Based on the book by Patrick Lencioni)

4. Team Building (Includes real time assessment of team performance.)

5. Spiritual Adulthood

6. DISC Behavioral Styles

Contact me via Theroadhome@comcast.net to discuss workshops.

Workshops may be done in person or via Zoom.  Fees vary. Payment may be made here: